Friday, 13 April 2012

The Humanisation of Business - being Flawsome

Submitted by: Sean

This is especially relevant to Wax, with our Activating People proposition.

Take 15 minutes out of your day to read this. Don't let the awful trend name put you off - it's the way companies and brands need to behave, now and in future.

April 2012 Trend Briefing

Why brands that behave more humanly, including showing their flaws, will be awesome

FLAWSOME definition:
Consumers don't expect brands to be flawless. In fact, consumers will embrace brands that are FLAWSOME*: brands that are still brilliant despite having flaws; even being flawed (and being open about it) can be awesome. Brands that show some empathy, generosity, humility, flexibility, maturity, humor, and (dare we say it) some character and humanity.

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